Friday 19 November 2010

Choreographing Our Dance Routine - Second Rehearsal

Today, myself, Vanessa and Sam (Megi couldn't make it) continued rehearsing the rest of our dance routine. I'd arranged with Ms Gallagher to use the drama room which we fortunately were allowed to as it enabled us to get a lot done because we had a lot more space to use; especially since I had created a step which included the girls strutting to and from the camera as if on a catwalk hence why we needed a lot of room.

We managed to get all of the dance finished and overall are very pleased with what we achieved. I choreographed the whole routine and came up with ideas but later found that some of them were too slow and didn't match the beat in time. I administered this issue however, as I then made up moves which we found were a lot easier to do with regards to matching the beat.  I also previously made up some moves at home which I used during the rehearsal and the whole of our routine consists of them. My main inspiration came from dances from The Saturdays and Cheryl Cole performances. All of us were happy and found that the new moves allowed us to move in time to get in the next position/move for the next beat. We took some recordings and when we watched it back we found that we were all in sync and time. Overall, we have come a long way since our first rehearsal! I was very pleased to see that my creation was paying off and that all of the girls were happy with the dance. We will also hold another rehearsal session so Megi can catch up and so that we can perfect our dance. Check us out below! (You can click on the images to enlarge them).

Rehearsing the move that was inspired by Cheryl Cole, but I incorporated my own idea to make it unique and our own technique.

Practicing strutting to and back from what will be when we record, the camera. As you can see from the picture above, it was quite a long walk so the drama room came in useful because of the space we had allowing us to rehearse efficiently.

Saira taking photographs.

Zarah playing the song off my iPhone which was connected to the large speakers.

Sarah trying out one of the moves whilst I was instructing Sam and Vanessa on how to position their hand for this specific move.

Practicing the first move of our dance as inspired by The Saturdays.

Me and Saira decided to set up a test shoot so we could experiment potential lighting ideas for when we film the chorus and the dance routine for the actual video.

Here is some test footage. As you can see it isn't perfect as we were still in the early stages of rehearsal, therefore it has flaws and isn't complete. It helped us to identify where we were going wrong and how I could adjust the moves so that they matched the song and beat in time. 

Here is another take we took near the end of rehearsals. As you can see it is much more rehearsed and better than the first take above as we had enough time to practice the steps. As there are only three of us in the take, when Megi performs with us in the video you will see the actual dance come into effect when we stand in pairs opposite each other as you can see in the clip below at 29 seconds. I'm also miming along to the lyrics as I dance as I need to practice this for when we film, however I'm not miming as much as I will be in the video as here I'm doing it in order to ensure that the steps are right. We will hold one or two more rehearsals so Megi can learn the dance and so that the girls can familiarize themselves with miming along to the lyrics and feel comfortable. Anyway, hope you enjoy the video for now and let me know what you think of the dance!


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