Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Test Shoot In My Location

Today we went to my location to film a test shoot. We filmed my part at Priory Place. I found that it is very hard to mime along to the lyrics in an location when there's so much going on around you i.e. people walking past frequently. However, despite these distractions I ensured that I concentrated on miming along to the lyrics properly in order to achieve the overall effect, portraying my intense emotions and emotional attachment to the boy I like. I played the song on my phone and kept it near me when filming to ensure that I mimed along to the lyrics in time. As this was the test shoot, it allowed me to get more comfortable in front of the camera so that when we film for real, I will be able to perform efficiently.  Here are a few pictures below!

Above you can see Sarah and Zarah checking our equipment to ensure that our filming was successful.

The two pictures above show both Sarah and Zarah filming me. Sarah is using a camera connected to a tripod whilst Zarah is using a handheld camera to get different shots of me, particularly close-ups as they reveal emotion and create a sense authenticity.

Above you can see me miming along to the lyrics and getting into character! I am also wearing green which is my individual colour I will be representing throughout some parts of the video.

Below is a short clip of what we recorded. We had already taken a few shots before this one, so when we recorded this I felt more comfortable in front of the camera. Whilst filming I had to ensure that I looked at both Sarah with the camera on the tripod and Zarah with the handheld camera in order to get a variety of shots and show versatility. The song is playing on my phone behind me hence why you can't hear it that well throughout the video. However, when editing our actual music video the song will overwrite any excess noise in the background. Filming a test shoot in my location is vital as I need to familarise myself with the surroundings in order to ensure that I feel complacent and content when filming my actual part for the video. It is necessary for any artist as if they do not feel relaxed then they may not perform to the best of their ability. 

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